Posted on May 6, 2013 in Devotions |
Who are the people that will get into the Kingdom of Heaven?
The bible is clear about who is able to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. It is God’s desire that ALL men be saved. “For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus.” 1Timothy 2:3-5
It is God’s desire for ALL men to be saved. However, it is man’s decision to accept this gift of eternal salvation.
Posted on May 3, 2013 in Devotions |
When people speak of something, or someone, being ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ they are always basing this determination on a mere comparison. Although we all do it, we tend to compare differences between things based only on our own knowledge of the two most extreme situations… And, that has always been the accepted world-wide standard for comparison. For example; in the United States, there are laws governing certain acts to be illegal if someone is caught violating that law. However, if someone committed the same act in another country, their governmental laws might not view it as being illegal at all… So, does that make the act ‘good’ or ‘bad?’
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